Whenever we want to learn more about anything, we immediately “Google” it. When people want to know more about you, they “Google” you. And, did you know Google gives preferential treatment to LinkedIn? You only get one chance to make a great first impression. Make sure you are fully optimized for today’s “always on” world.
Are you staying relevant by sharing ideas and thoughtfully interacting in conversations online? Are you actively listening to what your clients and prospects are saying online? Do you have a LinkedIn profile that captures attention and conveys the same level of professionalism, expertise, and character that you would demonstrate when meeting someone in person?
Laura Virili guides you through the process of creating a stellar online profile that reveals what makes you stand out above the rest and provides insight on how to effectively stay top of mind through “social listening” and engagement, while leveraging online tools that minimize the amount of time required for performing such actions.
Laura Virili is a social media coach who has worked with people in many industries and who has been a featured speaker at large industry conferences nationwide. She coaches financial advisors, attorneys, accountants and other professionals on how to leverage the power and potential of the most relevant platforms for their profession. Laura is a graduate of Rider University where she received a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, and is a lifelong student and educator who enjoys educating and empowering girls through financial literacy – whether it be earning their budget badge in Girl Scouts, or teaching financial education through the Stand Up for Financial Literacy Campaign.
Date: Thursday March 16, 2017, 8:00pm (refreshments at 7:30pm)
Place: Princeton University Computer Science Building
Large Auditorium, Room CS 104
Olden and William Streets, Princeton NJ
Information: Dennis Mancl (908) 285-1066
Downloadable meeting notice: http://PrincetonACM.acm.org/meetings/mtg1703.pdf
All ACM/IEEE-CS meetings are open to the public. Students and their parents are welcome. There is no admission charge. Please use the registration widget below to register so we can make nametags and get a count of participants.
A pre-meeting dinner is held at 6:00 p.m. at Ruby Tuesday’s Restaurant on Route 1. Please send email to princetonacm@gmail.com in advance if you plan to attend the dinner.
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