A computer, a phone, and a young mind waiting to be filled. Sounds a bit cliché, but nevertheless, that’s how communications and advertising businesses often get started and mine was no different. I also had a distinct advantage – the people of NJ CAMA were welcoming to me and my company.
Through your membership dues, CAMA will continue to provide quality events and timely educational programs. You’ll have intimate opportunities to meet role models, collaborators and leaders, all willing to share ideas, lessons and expertise. Relationships and friendships that endure are sure to be built.
Lower Dues and More Networking Opportunities for Individuals and Companies
When you register for membership, take the opportunity to be a part of our new “Creative/Communications Experts” online membership directory and expand your reach. Plus, with the annual ASTRA Awards a few months away (save the date, coming in September!), your entry costs will be discounted.
NJCAMA Individual and Company Benefits:
- Professional development, networking and business building.
- Directory listing with Logo, description and hyperlink to your Website.
- Use of NJCAMA member badge graphic.
- Discounted NJCAMA ASTRA Awards entry fees.
- Leadership & Free Promotional opportunities.
- Discounted fees for events.
Contact us at info@njcama.org or call us at 609-275-4123 with any questions.
Join or Renew Today. Credit cards or checks accepted.
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